
ABOUT FITNESS 407: Personal In Home Training by Lisa Lindsey

I’ve been teaching in the fitness industry for about 6 years and have come across some amazing women all with the same body struggles. My job as a fitness professional is to motivate and encourage each member who steps into my group exercise classes or is ready to train one on one. Although I created a bond with many of my clients it would happen more often than not where they would stop coming to class. Months would go by before I would run into someone at the grocery store or they would come back to class after a long hiatus ready to try again. The excuses were always the same:


“I’m too busy”

“My kids are involved in so much and I don’t have the time”

“I can’t afford a gym membership”

“The gym was too intimidating”

“I was the heaviest person in class and it made me uncomfortable”

It broke my heart to see so many women give up when I know they could take charge of their lives and become a healthier version of their beautiful selves. I started Fitness 407 to show women that they can change their lives and get in shape all without stepping foot inside a gym. Let me show you the path to a fit more firmer you all in the privacy of your own home.

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